As I mentioned a couple of blog postings ago, I won the March challenge at Etsy for Charity. Today, another of my winnings arrived.
First of all, do you know what this is?
If you answered "standard brown paper lunch bag" you're right. I nearly had to grab one and breathe into it when I saw this:

This bears explaining. When I won, I was invited by Valerie over at
Valerie's Gallery to select an item from her shop. "An" ... meaning "one". But ... why were there two packages??
Begin extreme squeal sequence.

When I unwrapped both packages, I discovered that the very wonderfully sweet Valerie included a bonus pair of hand knitted hand warmer muffy things - deliciously soft fingerless gloves that match perfectly to the beautiful pale pink scarf I selected as my prize.
Valerie?? How did you know?? I have been looking (drooling uncontrollably) for a pair of these for so long! I work on the computer A LOT and my hands are always cold. I think I love you. You are my new B.F.F.
How do they look? Fabulous, you say? Yes, I think so too!
In all seriousness, I want to send a great big hug to my new friend Valerie all the way in New York. You have seriously made my day and I couldn't be more thrilled with this lovely surprise in the mail today. Your work is *beautiful*!
If you happen to be surfing around and doing some virtual shopping, please make a point to stop by
Valerie's Gallery - in addition to hand knitted items she has beautiful felted bowls and vases in a variety of colors. She's got clever iPod and knitting needle covers too!
