Friday, February 13, 2009

How Many? # 1 -- WINNER: CLEOPATRA!

Update: Cleopatra is the winner! There were 617 buttons in the pile!

I just can't help myself .. I thought of this new contest today and was going to wait til Monday to post it but ... here it is, a few days early:

Take a guess at how many buttons are in the pile! Note: I added a green arrow in the lower right corner - that gray button is about the size of a quarter.

For a closer look, click on the picture to see a bit larger version.

Here are the rules:

1) You may only post five times with one guess in each posting so make them count!

2) First guess closest to the actual number without going over wins (and yes, I counted every single button! Whew!) .

3) Contest ends on February 20th at 7pm Pacific Standard Time. Entries after this time will not be posted/eligible.

What you'll win:
- a bar of oatmeal, milk and honey vegan soap
- a lavender scented sachet
- a sample of rooibos loose leaf tea!

Good luck, have fun and tell your friends!



  1. Phew! That's a lot of buttons! My guess is 339.

  2. Wow! That's a lot of buttons. My guess is 339.

  3. My guess is 98 - I know I am probably low!

  4. 850--I know, I'm way over the other guesses, but I think that button piles can be deceiving!

  5. last one this had had me thinking


    thanks Doti

  6. Okay. I think I get three more chances. I guessed once, but thought that my comment hadn't gone in and so I guessed the same amount again. Oh, I know. I am talking too much. My guess this time is 417.

  7. 459 And that is my final guess.
