Saturday, December 6, 2008

Craft Fair, A Cuddle and a Good Movie

Today, I participated in a Holiday Bazaar at Skyline High School in Samammish. Sales were really slow so it was a bit disappointed. I took this picture of my booth to share with everyone:

After getting home and unloading my truck, I took a hot, relaxing bath and got into bed to cuddle with Panda. We decided that we'd watch a movie and this is what we chose:

She's particularly fond of black and white movies, for obvious reasons.

We're going Sunday window shopping to a new online shopping place for handmade items. I'm really excited to share this new web site with you - check back tomorrow!



  1. Panda has really gained weight. She is so thankful that you rescued her too, good home now she has...

  2. I finally had a quiet moment to add an article about Flowering Tree Botanicals to my blog, Me, discovering my life. Take a quick peek and let me know if you want me to ad anything about the business. Your products are fabulous, and I'd love to help you get the word out.


  3. What a shame that your craft sale was a bit slow, lovely booth though, you did a wonderful job.
    Love that little Panda watching TV, how cute is that!
