Monday, November 10, 2008

Alcohol Ink Ornaments

I think I have been sucked into a crafty vortex and can't get out.

While walking through Ben Franklin Crafts this weekend, I was lucky enough (or unlucky enough, depending on how you view things) to watch a short demonstration for making "alcohol ink" ornaments.

What ensued can only be described as sheer madness. The flock of crafty ladies watching the demo with me *freaked* at the end when they saw how *gorgeous* the ornaments turned out. In one massive crafty blob, we all rushed to the alcohol inks and "Perfect Pearls" product, scooping the variety of inks and powders into our carts with both hands.

Here's my first ornament:

After subsequent ooohhing and ahhhhing at my work, I went on to make these:

and these:

Needless to say, the laundry did *not* get done this weekend. Or the vacuuming or ... anything. I'm embarrassed to admit that I made a second craft store trip to buy more glass ornaments (104 of them, to be exact). They were 50% off so that makes this ridiculous amount ok but I did get quite a few looks as I pushed my cart through the store. I hope they do well at the craft fairs I'm participating in ...


  1. How cool are these! Looks like you are having way to much fun.

  2. Layla has really turned into a wonderful craft person :) I hope you sell all of them at the fairs....
